THE BATTLE FOR COMIC-CON To celebrate the launch of the CG-animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, Nickelodeon launched an immersive, experiential campaign at Comic-Con. "Turtles vs. Foot" recruited fans to fight for good alongside the Turtles or join the forces of evil with the Foot Clan. Throughout the city, wild postings, guerrilla chalk art, and outdoor video projections drove fans to a mobile website, where they could choose a side and participate in missions to achieve real-time rewards and receive a phone call from either Splinter or Shredder. • 280,000 mobile visits in 3 days • 30,000 missions completed in 3 days • 1.3 million Facebook impressions in 3 days Channels: Experiential | Mobile | Digital | Social Production: Trailer Park